다년간 축적된 경험과 노하우로 체계적인 기업

Best Your Partner Nexpack


  Forming M/C (4대보유)
Production Speed 60 shots/minute
Width of type 51mm/maximum
Pocket depth 12mm/maximum
Control system PLC control/touch panel
Production row single row
32mm, 44mm, 56mm
12mm / 4row
16mm / 3row
24mm / 2row
  Forming M/C (5대보유)
Production Speed 60 shots/minute
Width of type 51mm/maximum
Pocket depth 12mm/maximum
Control system PLC control/touch panel
Production row single row
32mm, 44mm, 56mm
12mm / 4row
16mm / 3row
24mm / 2row
  비접촉 3차원 측정기